Valerie Savior, p.1
“I’ve flown over it. I know it in the sun, in the rain, in night and
Day, in the wind, in the cold and in the heat and I know Brasilia
From the 9th floor of the Hotel Nacional and from the street…
The most striking building there is the Ministry of Foreign Affaris
(Sic). The cathedral leaves me cold. I was in the little church in
Venice built by Matisse, a little church dedicated to a guy I should
detest, St. Dominic; it’s quite small. You have to enter it. The
Utilization of space there is unbelievable. You are inside a poem.”
“I’ve flown over it. I know it in the sun, in the rain, in night and
Day, in the wind, in the cold and in the heat and I know Brasilia
From the 9th floor of the Hotel Nacional and from the street…
The most striking building there is the Ministry of Foreign Affaris
(Sic). The cathedral leaves me cold. I was in the little church in
Venice built by Matisse, a little church dedicated to a guy I should
detest, St. Dominic; it’s quite small. You have to enter it. The
Utilization of space there is unbelievable. You are inside a poem.”