Valerie Savior, p.3
My own intention to end confidently with a racist comment, albeit
Disingenuous, failed; so I am not Genet and neither possess confidence
In lying nor savviness in remaining entirely politically neutral. He told
John Berendt (after ripping up a photo of himself with Burroughs,
Ginsberg and Southern) that he would fully “turn against” the Panthers
As soon as they achieved their goal. He would later also express the same
Regarding the Palestinians. (And this after a letter to Ginsberg praising
His eloquence and sending him wishes in the shape of a Buddhist fish!)
My own intention to end confidently with a racist comment, albeit
Disingenuous, failed; so I am not Genet and neither possess confidence
In lying nor savviness in remaining entirely politically neutral. He told
John Berendt (after ripping up a photo of himself with Burroughs,
Ginsberg and Southern) that he would fully “turn against” the Panthers
As soon as they achieved their goal. He would later also express the same
Regarding the Palestinians. (And this after a letter to Ginsberg praising
His eloquence and sending him wishes in the shape of a Buddhist fish!)