Albert Mobilio, p.4

blue revs)

Still. Steady, able to roam you. What an individual earns

in the absence of common rules. This is why you can
disregard or.     This is why you can be deep. And

that's why the importance fizzes over. With which we feel found. By

watching Intelligent movies, the ones They watch. The ones
I'll try to show you.     Then tow my Corrected crown.

the truces)

Whether we booze broadly. Persepolis quakes, the laundry
lists. And thereupon we heap ourselves up as

idiot stones are heaped up under a succession. Of skies. By Muscular
arms of the ancients.     Their solutions.     All, all
solved. The versions mine.        They had taken to calling

me noonish. Or spoonly done. Calling me incalculate. Per voice. Some
    wind-up gadget you use instead of.

A bony boy named Inkstick
   published these radical tears.     The deep trances & card
tricks. What's solid onstage, isn't off.        So he left your

meal with the dogs. Then you were close enough to see the ear

is   pink so what you say is meant   to be sensual. Pliable,
antidote-wise. Could the open mind thus characterize?